GladVisor General Information



Christian Foundation of America’s mission is to “Inspire Generosity for Christian Impact”. As a charitable religious organization, we provide comprehensive services in accepting and managing charitable gift funds. In support of our core services we have educational information, encouragement and support for donors, churches and charities alike to help them learn “What’s Possible”, to become more generous now, in the future, and as a lasting legacy!

We know that inspired learning, when joined by prayer and donor goals, will lead to greater generosity, In that spirit we have developed education and outreach. We have learned that there are others, professionals in the financial, and estate planning fields who would like to volunteer in their church or local community to bring this same education as encouragement for greater generosity. It is out of this that the “GladVisor” idea was born!

Generosity and Legacy Advisor or “GladVisor” is a volunteer program designed for professionals providing access to CFA’s education for donors and church/charity leadership. We invite you to take a few minutes to learn more about becoming a GladVisor, and then contact us to start the process.

Stewardship / Generosity in the Church

A program for professionals interested in volunteering in their church or community with Christian education/outreach for the stewardship of generosity and family legacy.

For experienced financial/legal professionals interested in bringing practical stewardship education that inspires greater generosity. After several years’ success working with churches and Christian charities, we have been asked to make our approach available so that others can volunteer in their church and community.

The GladVisor program is not intended to support all aspects of stewardship. Rather it is a focused, succinct, non-technical program to help individuals and families learn what’s possible in increasing charitable giving now, in the future or in their final estate. It includes access to basic curriculum, tools and resources in financial principles, wills and trusts planning, creative charitable gift planning, and leaving a family legacy. The materials use examples and stories to introduce popular ideas and motivate individuals to explore “what’s possible”.

As a CFA Generosity and Legacy Advisor or “GladVisor” volunteer, you will be able to provide education and encouragement under the banner of Christian Foundation of America, as a trusted, neutral, and experienced educational resource. We have found that churches and charities who welcome this education, often will not permit a “vendor” to do so. Under Christian Foundation of America, adhering to our covenants of volunteer service, Churches and Charities welcome our education and outreach. Join with us today!

Overview of Christian Foundation of America

Please visit the following pages to familiarize yourself with Christian Foundation of America’s Mission and Vision as well as the Leadership teams.

CFA Statement of Faith

CFA Core Values

CFA Board of Directors

CFA Advisory Council

Become a GladVisor.

Join our team of national GLADvisors.

General Process of Working with a Client

Our General Process of Working with a Participant:
  1. Introduce the “CFA Stewardship Process for Churches/Charities” to a leader representative. Schedule an initial meeting with a Christian leader, such as a church pastor, lay leader with interest in stewardship, the executive pastor, or for charities, the executive director or Board leadership.
  2. The CFA Stewardship Process has evolved over several years of trial an improvement in introducing CFA’s stewardship outreach.  It starts with Leadership to get their support and identify the best options to begin a program.
  3. Recommend and schedule a 90 minute to 2 hour Leadership Roundtable to identify priorities and learn the issues most important to the organization related to generosity, charitable giving and legacy.
    a. Identify point person for ongoing communications
        1. Recommend educational offering- webinar/seminars, and schedule.   Work out logistics details
        2. Provide marketing to the organization. They will include in web site, flyers, pulpit announcements, etc.
        3. Provide e-links for registration
  4. Schedule a follow up with  point person periodically to check in and suggest other activities.  Most often a church is interested in  2-4 educational offerings/year, and 1-2 leadership sessions/year.
  5. Conduct educational seminar.  Optional for GladVisor to offer 1 on 1 follow ups with any interested participants.  We encourage this, as families will share more personal information at this time.
  6. Use the “Create your Plan” feature that is a link on the GladVisor Dashboard for a family to create their personal, secured estate information gathering and planning portal ( a Crescendo supplied resource).  Family may use on their own as an option.  When you facilitate this, there is more opportunity to learn their plans and capacity for including charity.  It’s a discovery and ideas sharing process.
  7. Our website gives you more detail about CFA as well as the multiple resources offered our client churches and organizations.
Why become A Christian Foundation of America GladVisor?
  1. Help churches and organizations in your area of influence develop and implement a process for bringing about a culture of biblical stewardship and generosity to those within their sphere of influence.
  2. Help Christians in your area of influence grow as stewards and generous givers.
  3. Help Christians increase their giving to global missions through advanced estate/planned giving strategies.
  4. Help churches in your area see their God-given vision and mission fully resourced.
  5. Help families improve the management of their time, their talent and their finances.
  6. Help strengthen marriages through better management of their finances.
  7. Experience the joy and satisfaction of helping resource Kingdom ministries and the Great Commission.
Christian Foundation of America GladVisor general volunteer Role Description:
  1. Agree to and sign the Christian Foundation of America GladVisor Covenant Agreement.
  2. Once trained and certified, market CFA services and resources to churches, businesses, and schools in your geographic area of influence through your personal networking and follow-up of leads provided by CFA.
  3. Conduct CFA Initial Interviews with prospective clients.
  4. Create and print out recommended Ministry Action Plans for prospective CFA clients.
  5. Conduct CFA follow-up appointments to present recommended Action Plans with prospective clients.
  6. Begin to implement the approved  Action Plan of client organizations once they have signed the detailed Covenant Agreement.
  7. Report to CFA home office monthly activities and results of consulting-equipping-supporting activities with client organizations.
  8. Attend scheduled training sessions provided by CFA, including live, phone, online.
  9. Provide personal, phone and electronic coaching for your client organizations as per the agreed upon Covenant Agreement.
  10. Possibly recommend other CFA GladVisors.

Become a GladVisor.

Join our team of national GLADvisors.